Recuperating in the comfort of your home

Hospital recovery care in West Vancouver

Recovery at home after a surgery or an unexpected event can be simplified with a bit of extra support. That’s where our team of experienced caregivers can provide full wraparound support.

Symptom management can be one of the largest stressors when released from the hospital. With daily and real-time care notes, we actively monitor any changes in your symptoms for proactive escalation as well as details for your medical team.

Faster healing is only possible by avoiding stressors and activities that can cause physical strain. Having a caregiver helps alleviate these scenarios and the chance of injury. By not exposing yourself to risky situations, you can heal faster and safely. 

Respite for family can be important after a procedure. Our team often supports family through the nights or when other life events creep up during this time. We ease the load for everyone.

Adjustment to changing needs is instantaneous with our team monitoring your care notes and change in your care needs. We are able to scale up and down during your recovery.

Regardless of the type or amount of care, you will know that you are not alone during this stressful time. 

Read more about recovery and convalescent care on our blog.

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We love going the extra mile. Our no-obligation, FREE in-home consultation throughout West Vancouver is a great way to learn more. Find out how Just Like Family Home Care will support your family.
Click below to learn more about hospital recovery care in West Vancouver.

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