As loved ones age, one thing that often does not change is the inclination to remain living independently in the home they own – or have lived within long-term. At Just Like Family, it’s part of our mission to support seniors on their own properties, allowing them a continued sense of security, comfort, familiarity and connection. Creating a safe environment among their ongoing, ever-changing health and needs is critical.
Here are some tips for making their home a less risk-filled haven where they can thrive and age unharmed and happy.
Home-Wide Non-Slip Flooring
It can only take one slip or fall to put a senior’s health and physical ability at risk, so it’s a good time to take a look at anywhere they may walk or stand throughout the home to ensure as much of a slip-free guarantee as possible.
Non-slip mats are an affordable, accessible retail option. If you have a larger budget, you might consider replacing the home’s more flat or grip-free flooring with textured options such as carpet or non-slip vinyl.
Bathroom Upgrades
Creating a safer bathroom experience for your loved ones doesn’t have to be an extensive, expensive undertaking. Safety upgrades can be as simplified as grab bars next to the toilet/bidet as well as near and within the shower for easy maneuvering and stability.
If your family member tires easily, or cannot stand for long periods, a shower seat may be a comforting addition to their bathtub or shower, allowing for a relaxing hygiene experience and a continued sense of independence in their bathroom routines.
Increased Accessibility of Materials & Essentials
In order to feel the most self-reliant, seniors should be able to complete basic household tasks without struggle or intervention of physical obstacles. Installation or prioritized use of lower cupboards, shallow closets and well-divided/organized drawers can make all the difference between something feeling easy to still do and something they can’t or no longer want to because it’s not feeling as simple or doable as it used to be.
Emergency and Unexpected Scenario Preparedness
Emergencies, and non-threatening scenarios, can come out of nowhere at any time. We always recommend having a clear plan in place for numerous scenarios from health emergencies to weather alerts to needs for evacuation.
Provide your senior loved one with an easily accessible list of emergency contacts, family members, friends and trusted neighbours. Also ensure they know how to get a hold of emergency services as well as any healthcare providers they’re on record with.
Have medical records printed or written out and up to date should they need to be located and referred to by the senior, a personal contact, medical team member or attending first responder. All of these steps will allow yourself and your loved one to navigate surprise challenges with confidence and in-tact sense of dignity.
Additional Support
We know every home is unique, and so is your family member. Feel free to tailor our suggestions to their individual needs, preferences and home-specific capabilities.
Should you require further assistance or support in providing at-home care for your loved one, Just Like Family is here to help.
For more information, contact your local Just Like Family Home Care office. You can also call us at 778-244-7742 (Lower Mainland) or 250-888-8211 (Island Locations)