Recover with care

Hospital recovery care in Kelowna, Summerland & Penticton

Our caregivers make sure your return home is safe and comfortable. Let us take care of you while you focus on recovery.

Pre-surgery: Our expert team is here to plan our prep for the hospital so that you only have to worry about yourself when you are away. We can prepare for your return, check in on your pets, and even water your plants. 

Post-surgery: Knowing that you are coming home with support in place can take a huge weight off your shoulders. We custom design your care plan based on your needs and make adjustments based on your timelines as you heal.

Unexpected procedures: Unfortunately, not every trip to the hospital is planned. You or your loved ones can contact us while already in hospital to prepare for your trip home and make sure that everything is in place. 


Read more about recovery and convalescent care on our blog.

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Our no-obligation, FREE in-home consultation is a great way to get to know us and find out how Just Like Family Home Care will help you and your family.
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