Support for you and your family

See some of our most frequently asked questions about home care assistance in East Toronto to help you out.
How much do you charge for home care assistance?

At Just Like Family Home Care, after our first in-home assessment, we would be able to provide a tailored care plan and price based on the types of support you or your loved one require. We work with you to create a customized plan that matches your budget. We also pride ourselves on being navigators, connecting you with resources and supports with our partners.

What services do you provide?

There are lots of questions about home care assistance! We are here to support you in anything that would improve quality of life and make it a little easier. We provide anything non-medical, from dog walking to respite and palliative care. We understand that our clients are not a number and provide you with caregivers who specialize in any area of support.

How soon can you provide the services?

We strive to find you a perfect match—a primary caregiver who can provide the right support based on your care plan. If it is more urgent (care is required within 48 hours), we have a team that can support you within just a few hours, however the perfect match will take a longer period of time.

Do we have services in other parts of Ontario?

We have 17 locations in Ontario that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for urgent care. Our normal office hours are 9am to 5pm, but many of our in-home assessments occur on evenings and weekends to ensure that more family members can be present as we co-create a care plan with you.

Do you offer respite care for family members who need a break?

The question we receive most frequently is also one of the primary concerns expressed by loved ones. Whether they are experiencing burnout or simply longing to return to the role of a caring son or daughter, we make certain that they can take a much-needed break.

Do you provide live-in caregivers?

While we don’t offer live-in caregivers, we do provide both primary and secondary caregivers who can work 8 and 12-hour shifts. This arrangement ensures that families receive continuous caregiver coverage for 24-hour care as needed.

How customizable are your services?

We take the client’s needs into consideration when developing their customized care plan. This usually takes place after the first in-home assessment and can be modified as needed.

Get in touch

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Please tell us a bit about your situation and ask any questions you may have.

Explore our home care assistance for seniors in Midtown East Toronto

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Our no-obligation, FREE in-home consultation is a great way to get to know us and find out how Just Like Family Home Care will help you and your family.
Click below to learn more about home care assistance in Midtown East Toronto.

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