Support at home while you recover

Reliable hospital recovery care in Scarborough Village, Ellesmere, Malvern, Agincourt, Wexford, Port Union, Hillside, Scarborough Junction, Birch Cliff & Milliken

Have the confidence to return home after a surgery or an unexpected visit to the hospital. You will be more comfortable, relaxed, and in an ideal situation to begin to heal.

Hospital recovery care in Scarborough Village, Ellesmere, Malvern, Milliken, and surrounding areas can include:

Healing support: Hospitalization care involves ensuring your family member is safe and that medical complications are identified early enough to prevent further deterioration of their health.  We have highly trained nurses within our team that can assist caregivers in proceeding to next steps.

Cleaning tasks: We will make sure that when you return from the hospital that your home is tidy and clean. This will reduce stress as well as ensuring a hygienic place to heal.

Laundry and linens: We will wash and dry your clothing as well as your bed linens. Plus put them back on your bed for better rest and sleep as you recover. 

Home support: Need assistance with some of your household chores that are feeling a bit overwhelming? We will do the gardening, walk your dog, get groceries, do meal preparation and many other little chores that make your healing process smoother.

Click here to read more about the importance of professional, reliable convalescent care

Get in touch

Looking for more information? Simply fill out the form and we will be in touch within 24 hours.

Please tell us a bit about your situation and ask any questions you may have.

Find other options for home care in Scarborough Village,  Ellesmere, Malvern, Agincourt, Wexford, Port Union, Hillside, Scarborough Junction, Birch Cliff & Milliken

Let us come to you!

Our no-obligation, FREE in-home consultation is a great way to get to know us and find out how Just Like Family Home Care will help you and your family.
Click below to learn more about hospital recovery care in Scarborough Village, Ellesmere, Malvern, Agincourt, Wexford, Port Union, Hillside, Scarborough Junction, Birch Cliff & Milliken.

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