Wraparound support for when you get home

Regain your health quickly in the familiar surroundings of your home with hospital recovery care in Vancouver.

Feel safe and comfortable while you recover in your home with professional caregivers to assist.

Undergoing any procedure at the hospital can be stressful. Whether it is heart surgery, eye surgery, or even an unexpected accident, you can leave the hospital knowing that you won’t be alone.

Accompaniment: Many procedures require you to have a companion to escort you home. These days can be stressful! Our experienced team will support you in navigating this big day and be prepared for any bumps in the road. 

Recovery: Having an extra set of hands after a surgery or procedure can be a huge weight off your chest and prevent you from doing something that could cause complications. Let our team take out the garbage, do the laundry, and any other tasks that is a challenge during this time.

Check-ins & Follow-ups: Have support in your follow-up appointments and/or have one of our caregivers check in to ensure you are recovering smoothly. 

Get in touch

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Please tell us a bit about your situation and ask any questions you may have.

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Ready to learn more about hospital recovery care in Vancouver?

Our no-obligation, FREE in-home consultation is a great way to get to know us and find out how Just Like Family Home Care will help you and your family. Click below to learn more about hospital recovery care in Vancouver.

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