Safety and comfort in your home
Housekeeping for seniors in Markham, Richmond Hill, Stouffville & Vaughan
Getting some additional support today can prolong your independence. From mopping to meal prep, our caregivers will help you enjoy your home exactly how you like it.
Housekeeping for seniors in Markham, Richmond Hill, Stouffville & Vaughan can include the following:
Cleaning tasks: A clean home helps you feel safe, secure, and well taken care of. From floors to bathrooms and everything in between, we’ll keep your home sparkling clean.
Meal preparation: Cooking and planning meals with a caregiver can be enjoyable, and it ensures your loved one has nutritious meals prepared for them daily.
Laundry and organization: Laundry can be a daunting chore for older family members, particularly if their laundry room is situated in the basement.
Linens: Maintaining fresh bed linens is important for elderly family members, particularly due to the potential for dirt, food remnants, or bodily fluids to soil the linens.
Ironing: While ironing may not be the most thrilling task, the confidence one gains from appearing put together and refined is undeniable.
Garbage removal: Adequate waste disposal practices are necessary for creating a fresh, pest-free living space.

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