What is the Client Directed Home Care program?
The Client Directed Home Care Invoicing (CDHCI) program is a new, provincial-wide initiative in Alberta that was launched in January 2023. Client directed home care provides funding for Albertans to receive affordable, consistent home care services.
Eligible individuals can select their own preferred and approved home care service provider for the CDHCI program and have the cost largely subsidized by Alberta Health Services (AHS). Just Like Family Home Care is an approved provider for the Client Directed Home Care program with 5 locations in Alberta to choose from. Once you are approved for the CDHCI program, we’ll manage everything from matching the right caregiver for you, to scheduling, designing a personalized care plan, and invoicing Blue Cross for reimbursement of approved expenses. We manage the details so you don’t have to.

Who is eligible for the CDHCI program?
- Anyone living in Alberta with a valid healthcare card
- Individuals who completed a home care assessment with AHS
- Those with a predictable and consistent level of need for home care services
Note: Individuals are responsible for any cost difference between the AHS funded rate and the home care provider’s hourly rate, additional services beyond the approved AHS Care Plan, G.S.T, overtime, and statutory holiday rates.
What are the benefits of Client Directed Home Care?
There are numerous benefits to the Client Directed Home Care program, which allows new or current AHS Community Home Care clients to choose an approved home care provider to deliver authorized services. You have the freedom and flexibility to choose the home care service provider that is right for you. You have more control over the service schedule and caregiver replacement if caregivers are ill. You won’t have to self-manage your care, but you do have more say in directing care. Just Like Family Home Care works with you in selecting the right caregiver and we match caregivers with cultural and language compatibility.

How do I get started with the CDHCI program?
If you already have home care or Self-Managed Care, simply call us and we will take you through the process. Or, contact your AHS Case Manager to discuss your eligibility for the CDHCI program.
Self-referral is also an option by contacting the AHS Community Home Care Intake line (811). You will be assigned an AHS Case Manager who will arrange a home assessment and allocate hours. Once approved, they will provide you with a Care Plan showing the designated hours and breakdown of care support for each month.
I’ve been approved for Client Directed Home Care. Now what?
Once you have been approved for Client Directed Home Care, we can help you get started.
- An approved home care provider list is available on the Blue Cross website
- Just Like Family Home Care locations across Alberta are registered providers for the Client Directed Home Care program. You can search for your local office by clicking here.
- Reach out to your closest Just Like Family Home Care provider to arrange a complimentary consultation to discuss our approach to home care and your care needs. We’re here to answer any questions you may have.
- Sign the no-term Service Agreement between yourself and Just Like Family Home Care, and notify your AHS Case Manager of your home care provider selection.
- Complete the AHS documentation including the Consent to Disclose Information form and the Letter of Agreement outlining the terms and responsibilities, provided by your Case Manager.
- Blue Cross will also mail you an approval letter. Simply provide the letter to Just Like Family Home Care so that we can set up your direct billing account.
- AHS will provide you with a Care Plan that details the allocated approved services. Please forward a copy to Just Like Family Home Care. We will work with you to create an individualized care plan and caregiver schedule.
- Maintain ongoing communication with AHS and Alberta Blue Cross: Keep your AHS Case Manager informed of any changes to your condition, care needs, or care provider status. Also, notify AHS and Alberta Blue Cross of any changes to your address or contact information.
- Remember, we are here to help every step of the way. We are happy to answer questions and will walk you through the process.
What if I need more support?
We are here to help!
Additional services are available via private billing. These include hours in excess of the approved limit, overtime, statutory holiday pay, and more. Should your needs change, you are able to request a new assessment from AHS.
We are happy to help families navigate the process of getting started with the CDHCI. For more information, you can reach out to your local Just Like Family Home Care office or simply fill out our free in-home consultation form where we come to you!